Birds on a Tree above a Cataract
Li Di,李迪
The Cleveland Museum of Art
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Gift of Mrs. A. Dean Perry
Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 [1525–1590]
Wu Maohe 吳懋和 [1600s]
at least by 1962C. C. Wang 王季遷 [1907–2003], New York, NY
?-1964Mr. A. [Albert] Dean Perry [1910?-1987] and Mrs. A. Dean Perry [1911-1996], Cleveland, OH, given to the Cleveland Museum of Art
1964-The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Image: 24.8 x 26.1 公分 (9 3/4 x 10 1/4 英吋)
A signature at lower left edge.
3 additional seals: 1 of Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525-1590), 2 of Wu Maohe 吳懋和 (1600s).