

Paul D. Barclay
Lafayette Digital Repository
[英文]This photo was also reproduced under the @Taiwan Historical Postcards Series@ imprint, with the Japanese caption cropped off. The titles and captions on the back of the card are bilingual: @水牛與土塹厝/Water buffaloes and earthen cottages/此為農家常見的形象, 水牛浸浴在水塘之中, 好不逍遥自在/This was common in country lives of Taiwan. In this picture, a water buffalo was immersed in the pond in a carefree manner.@ 照片所見土塊家屋為「土确厝」,是臺灣昔時民居建築的一種。以陰乾的泥磚作為主要材料,以木頭為樑柱、再覆以瓦片為屋頂。(參考資料:桃園縣潛龍國小網頁,http://www.cles.tyc.edu.tw/sunkentsu/struc_shape1.htm) English Translation: The cottage on this postcard is a type of dwelling that was historically common in Taiwan. The major materials of such cottages are dried earthen bricks for walls, wood for main beams and tiles for roofs (NCL).

