Playing the Qin in a Secluded Valley
The poem inscribed in this painting reads: "Ten thousand layered lofty mountains are presented to the cultivated eye, A thousand feet of cascading falls cleanse the dusty heart. May the harmonies of my red-stringed tune Be the humble answer to the pine wind's ancient song." Different versions of this painting exist. Scholars have suggested that the solid renderings of the rock masses and the volumetric mountain configurations as seen here appear more characteristic of Lu Zhi 陸治 (1496-1576), Wen Zhengming's pupil.
John L. Severance Fund
Liang Qingbiao 梁清標 [1620–1691]
Lu Xinyuan 陸心源 [1834–1894]
Cheng Qi 程琦 [1911–1988]
?-1969(Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904–1988], Paris, France, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art)
1969-The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Overall: 132 x 50.5 公分 (51 15/16 x 19 7/8 英吋)
嘉慶戊申夏四月徵明製 [印] 徵明; 徵仲父印 [右下方] 悟言室印; 衡山
Artist's title, inscription, signature, and 4 seals:
"Playing the Qin in a Secluded Valley"
Myriad layers of tall peaks provide a feast to wise eyes./
A waterfall dropping ten thousand feet can cleanse a dusty mind./
By means of a song played on this red-stringed qin,/
’Tis my humble response to the primeval sound of soughing pines.
In the summer, the fourth month of the wushen year of the Jiaqing era [1548], Zhengming painted. [2 seals] Zhengming; Zheng zhong fu yin. [2 seals, lower right corner] Wu yan shi yin; Hengshan.
4 additional seals: 3 of Cheng Qi 程琦 (1911–1988); 1 unidentified.