所羅門群島貝珠錢與紙鈔 Shell Money and Banknotes in the Solomon Islands
與國家貨幣所羅門元掛在一起的貝珠錢。許多傳統貨幣已經停止使用,但所羅門群島的 Langalanga 人至今仍持續製作貝珠錢。貝珠錢與國家貨幣可並行使用。
Shell money in the Solomon Islands, hanging with the national currency, the Solomon Dollar. Many traditional currencies are now out of circulation, but the Langalanga people of the Solomon Islands continue to make shell money today. Both shell money and the national currency are in circulation.
Guo, Pei-yi. 2006. From Currency to Agency: Shell Money in Contemporary Langalanga, Solomon Islands. Asia-Pacific Forum. Vol. 31. No. 3, pp. 17—38.
郭佩宜,2008。協商貨幣:所羅門群島 Langalanga 人的動態貨幣界面。臺灣人類學刊6(2):89-132。[Guo, Pei-yi. 2008. Negotiating Currency: Dynamics of Currency Interfaces among the Langalanga, Solomon Islands. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology. Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 89–132.]