臺灣制鹽株式會社 北門鹽田曬鹽狀況
[英文]Method of Sun-powered Salt Gathering
大正8年(1919)臺灣製鹽株式會社開辦,以大量資金挹注在新式鹽業,以機械蒸發罐、結晶罐製鹽,為傳統日曬鹽作出革命性的改革,出產精製鹽外銷日本。(參考資料:《安平區志》〈卷五經濟產業志〉,頁779) 北門鄉位於臺南縣西北端,昔日為臺江內海急水溪口外的沙洲島,舊名「北門嶼」。道光年間,北門嶼陸連後,就積極建設鹽田,至明治32年(1899)實施食鹽專賣,北門鄉的鹽場再度興盛,計有王爺港、蚵寮、井仔腳(舊稱瀨東場)及北門鹽田,為漁鹽之鄉。(參考資料:北門鄉全球資訊網,http://beimen.tainan.gov.tw/index.php3?mode=B14-01-01)(NCL 002417315)
[英文]In 1919, Taiwan salt company established, investing a huge amount of money in a new method of producing salt which significantly improved the old method. Their productions were exported to Japan, making salt industry the largest one in Anping. Beimen locates at the northwestern part of Tainan county where used to be Shazhou island, or Beimen island. During 1821-50, salt production became prosperous after Beimen island was connected with land. Until 1899 salt production in Beimen welcome a second prosperity because of salt commission.
Union Postale Universelle
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