Snuff Bottle with Figures in Landscape
This enamel on metal snuff bottle was very attractively painted and then fired illustrating figures in a garden-like landscape. The neck has a traditional key motif border and an original metal stopper. On the underside is a black Qianlong [Ch'ien-lung] mark underglaze. This is a probably the work of Cantonese crafstmen in the late 18th or early 19th century and constitutes a pair with Walters 44.704 despite having unique illustrations.
[Reign Mark] Four-character mark of Qianlong [Ch'ien-lung] (1736-1795) in black enamel
Mrs. Marvin E. Gantz, Sr., Denver, Colorado [date and mode of acquisition unknown]; Shirley E. Gantz, Baltimore [date and mode of acquisition unknown]; Walters Art Museum, 1999, by gift.
2 1/4 × 1 5/8 英吋 (5.7 × 4.2 公分)