[英文]This photo appears in volume 2 (Ami/Beinan) of the Taiwan Government General$s 8-volume survey of Aborigine customs and manners titled _Banzoku kanshu chosa hokokusho_, not to be confused with a different 8-volume set titled _Banzoku chosa hokokusho_, published by the same government survey bureau. The original title for this photo was simply @Ami agricultural implements.@ The original photo was published no later than March 28, 1915. This colorized reproduction emphasizes the house instead of the farm implements, and does not specify the ethnic-group represented by this photo. The title should read, @Savage$s hut, Formosa@
1/2 divided back 郵便はかき
printed in blue
1.5-sen stamp; postmarked 9.1.5. The first line of the address is 東京市小石川区 (Koishikawa ward in Tokyo).
9公分 x 14公分