[英文]The Chinese character in the title of this card is non-standard for $Hori/Puli$, which is normally written 埔里. Note on dates of postcard production: Several of the postcards manufactured by Seibanya shoten contain identically printed reverse sides (same fonts, distance of divided back line from edge, etc.), that provide examples of postmarks and other dates that controvert accepted methods of dating Japanese postcards according to how backs of cards are printed. This is because these cards have @Hagaki@ stamped on them, though several were surely in circulation before Feb, 1933, the supposed earliest date of this spelling for a printed back. The same problem occurs with this company$s 1/3 divided back cards, which also spell $Hagaki$ many years before this was supposed to happen. Perhaps this anomaly arises from the fact that Seibanya shoten used katakana instead of the hiragana that other card manufacturers, and postal experts, used for printing the backs of cards. I am assuming that when postal regulations changed in February 1933, the backs of Seibanya shoten$s cards will have changed as well, however slightly. Thus, I am placing the manufacture of this run of cards between March 1918-February 1933, a period of unchanged Japanese postal bureau regulations regarding postcards.
1/2 divided back 郵便ハガキ
printed in blue
9公分 x 14公分