[英文]Atayal men sharing a cup of wine
[英文]@Sharing wine from the same utensil represents deep friendship. Drinking ware is often wooden twin cups or utensils made of bamboo@ (Tung 1996, p. 118). For a detailed discussion of Aborigine wine manufacture and consumption, based on fieldwork among the Tsou, see 0056.With a jar of wine made of a coco-nut and wine-cups of bamboo, men of the aborigines are making their delightful carous. It is a very premitive scene, but, it may be taken as the very intimate natural life. TAIWAN さしつさされつ 滾々と涌け革袋の酒よ、われらは今楽しき饗宴の席につく、、、、、と云ったぐあいに椰子の実で造った酒袋には彼等が愛する新造酒を盛って、青竹の盃で口と口で呑み合って楽しむ彼等の睦まじい饗宴。(蕃地風俗)
Made in Wakayama
Manufacture by Taisho
1/2 divided back 郵便はがき
Hato Pigeon Trade Mark
9公分 x 14公分