Scholar Watching the Waterfall
Luo Ping,羅聘
The Cleveland Museum of Art
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Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marlatt Fund
Image: 125 x 57 公分 (49 3/16 x 22 7/16 英吋)
Overall: 241.2 x 80.6 公分 (94 15/16 x 31 3/4 英吋)
Artist's inscription, signature, and 2 seals: Watching the Waterfall. Done in the chia-shen year [1764] for my senior, the venerable Mr. Shou-t'ang. Chu-ts'ao shih lin-chung jen, Lo P'ing [seals] Liang-feng hua yin; Shan-lin wai-ch'en._x000D_
1 additional seal of Wang Chi-ch'ien (20th c.).