Snuff Bottle with Luohans [Lohans]
The Walters Art Museum
This snuff bottle is decorated with the 18 Buddhist Luohans [Lohans].
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This snuff bottle is decorated with the 18 Buddhist Luohans [Lohans].
Edward Choate O'Dell, Baltimore; Walters Art Museum, September, 1977, by gift.
整體高:3 1/16 × 寬:2 5/16 × 深:1 1/4 英吋 (7.7 × 5.9 × 3.1 公分); 瓶高:2 5/8 × 寬:2 5/16 × 深:1 1/4 英吋 (6.6 × 5.9 × 3.1 公分); 栓高:1 × 直徑:11/16 英吋 (2.5 × 1.7 公分)
rock crystal with interior painting, ivory (?), silver-plated copper with silver filigree, faux granulation, coral, turquoise