Travelers in Autumn Mountains
Sheng Mou,盛懋
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Most of the signature of the artist has been scraped away, so that only the character "Sheng" is legible.
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Most of the signature of the artist has been scraped away, so that only the character "Sheng" is legible.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Severance A. Millikin
C. C. Wang 王季遷 [1907-2003], New York, NY
(Walter Hochstadter [1914-2007], New York, NY, sold to Mr. and Mrs. Severance A. Millikin)
?-1963Severance A. [1895-1985] and Greta Millikin [1903-1989], Cleveland, OH, given to the Cleveland Museum of Art
1963-The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Image: 24.4 x 26.5 公分 (9 5/8 x 10 7/16 英吋)
Artist's signature upper right corner: Sheng ? ._x000D_
10 seals: 8 of Keng Chao-chung (1640-1686); 2 of Keng Chia-tsu (son of Chao-chung).