Album of Daoist and Buddhist Themes: Procession of Daoist Deities: Leaf 18
This leaf is part of an important album of 50 drawings encompassing three subjects: processions of Daoist deities to the celestial spheres, the Ten Kings of Hell, and Erlang’s Campaign to Rid Mount Guankou of Dangerous Beasts (soushan tu 搜山圖).In this section of the Daoist pantheon, Zhong Kui 鍾馗, the hero who fights demons, is portrayed with two ghost attendants. One holds a handle at the end of which is a large wheel with drums. Thunder, which drums can evoke, is a theme of many of the Daoist Pantheon leaves in this album.
Zhong Kui’s bird-faced attendant carries a load of scrolls on his back.
John L. Severance Fund in honor of Dr. Ju-hsi Chou and Gift of various donors to the department of Asian Art (by exchange)
Wang Hui 王翬 [1632–1717]
Li Jiale 李嘉樂 [jinshi of 1863]
Zhu Hang 朱沆 [active 19th century]
1910-?Dr. F. R. (Fredrik Robert) Martin [1868–1933], Stockholm, Sweden, and Munich, Germany
?-1947Mrs. L. M. Morris [20th century], England
1947(Sotheby's, London, sale, 25 March 1947, lot 118, sold to Stephen Junkunc III)
1947-78István “Stephen" Junkunc III [1904-1978], by descent to his son Stephen Junkunc IV
1978-2004(Stephen Junkunc IV [b. 1937], Miami, FL, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art)
2004-The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Sheet: 34.1 x 38.3 公分 (13 7/16 x 15 1/16 英吋)