
施巴自然百科 Thesaurus rerum naturalium
施巴自然百科 Thesaurus rerum naturalium
Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid
百科全書 encyclopédique et méthodique
百科全書 encyclopédique et méthodique
Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid
Proposal to conserve 90 additional generic names
Proposal to conserve 90 additional generic names
Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid
植物圖譜 Tableau du règne vegetal
植物圖譜 Tableau du règne vegetal
Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid
中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 (BRCAS)
彭鏡毅博士著作等身,一生撰寫、編輯逾290篇各式著作,發表逾120種植物新種,並為臺灣增加71個新紀錄種。 Ching-I Peng’s bibliography. (*Chinese title translated into English by Dr. Kuo-Fang Chung).
中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 (BRCAS)
|學歷 Education| 國立中興大學植物學系學士 1968年9月~1972年6月 (B.S., Department of Botany, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan)
構樹圖板_Traité des arbres et arbustes
構樹圖板_Traité des arbres et arbustes
Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardin Botanico de Madrid
A Catalogue of the Different Specimens of Cloth Collected in the Three Voyages of Captain Cook to the Southern Hemisphere
A Catalogue of the Different Specimens of Cloth Collected in the Three Voyages of Captain Cook to the Southern Hemisphere
大英博物館(The British Museum)
為庫克船長航行帶回之太平洋樹皮布標本目錄,包含約50份樹皮布標本與手寫描述。依目前研究考證,本書現存共66本,標本數各異,此為大英博物館之收藏,Oc1903,-.147.a,共43份標本。與其他兩個版本共同存放, Oc1989,Q.02。
Fishes of the family Scaridae from Taiwan
Fishes of the family Scaridae from Taiwan
Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
First record of Scombropidae (Pisces: Percoidei) from Taiwan
First record of Scombropidae (Pisces: Percoidei) from Taiwan
Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
Phylogenetic inference of Priacanthidae from morphometric studies
Phylogenetic inference of Priacanthidae from morphometric studies
Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
A review of the Myripristin fishes from Taiwan with description of a new species
A review of the Myripristin fishes from Taiwan with description of a new species
Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
A revision of the sandborers (Genus Sillago) of Taiwan
A revision of the sandborers (Genus Sillago) of Taiwan
Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
